Incoming 7th graders are required to read three books over the summer. Students are encouraged to read more. During the school year, the 7th grade students will be expected to read 2 to 4 books each quarter. Reading over the summer is a good way to get ready for the reading that will be expected during the year.

Students WILL receive a grade for their summer reading.

Summer reading assignments are due Monday, August 12th.

There are a few basic requirements the three books must fulfill. Please make sure you understand the requirements before selecting your books. 


·   120 pages or longer
·    On YOUR reading level - Books can be within 100L points (above or below) your lexile.
·      1 book from each of the three genres below:  

Þ     1 Historical Fiction
Þ     1 Fiction
Þ     1 Nonfiction  - Any Social Studies/History topic that interests you

o       Revolutionary War, Civil War, World War I/II, Military History, Ancient Civilizations, Current Political Events (Conflict in Syria, North Korea), Holocaust, etc. (These are just ideas –any SS topic works.)

Complete the following assignment for each book. Each assignment should be on a separate page.

1. Title
2. Author
3. Total Number of Pages
4. Genre
5. Writing Assignment (Details Below)

Writing Assignments:

For the FICTION and HISTORICAL FICTION books, respond to two of the reading response questions included below. Each response should be a well written paragraph with 5-7 sentences and include a topic sentence.  Find at least one quotation from the book to support each answer. Include the page number with the quotation.

For the NONFICTION book, compile a list of the 10 most important or interesting facts you learned from the book. Include the page number with each fact. Gather these facts as you read. Mark the text with sticky notes or tabs during reading so you can easily find your facts. Be sure the facts are spread throughout the book.

Write this EXACT pledge at the bottom of each assignment.

I give my word that I read the book __________________________________

                                                                                              (book title)
signature ___________________________

Reading Response Questions

Make sure you are specific and include evidence from the text when answering these questions! Include character names so the reader knows who “he” or “she” is!

1.      What solutions do you have to the conflict in your book?

2.      What issue in your book has caused you to think the most?

3.      What is the message the author wants the reader to get from this book/story?

4.      What issue in your book is the most interesting? Upsetting? Familiar? Confusing?

5.      How does the setting of your book contribute to the mood of the story?

6.      Which part of the story caused the most intense feelings in you?

7.      How do the minor characters affect the main character?

8.      What conflicts are the characters in your book experiencing and what are you learning about them through these conflicts?

9.      How has this story changed your thinking?

10. What events and people cause the main character to change?

11. What motivates the main character's decisions?

12. Which character has gone through the biggest change in your book and why?